ICRA 2020 31st May - 31st August 2020 Online
Thank you for registering to ICRA 2020!
The conference system will go online starting Sunday May 31.

The virtual conference uses three different web services, and you will need different credentials for each. If you accept cookies on your browser, you will have to login only once. All you need is a recent browser, every modern device should work. 

1. Slack: You should receive an invitation email directly from slack (feedback@slack.com) to join icra20 workspace with “ICRA20 Virtual has invited you to join a Slack workspace” as subject. Please use the link in this message to proceed. 
In some rare cases, messages from slack can be filtered out by your server. If that's your case, you can register manually with an alternative mail by clicking here. 

2.InfoVaya (Technical Papers & Exhibits): new accounts are created daily for ICRA 2020 registrants. If you are a first-time user, set your password here. Make sure to use the same email as the registration to gain access to the ICRA20 program. If you have trouble logging in, or have multiple emails, simply contact InfoVaya to have them all merged for you under a single account.

3.Papercept (Proceedings): Use your registration mail as login & password. If this fails, try ICRA20 / ICRA20 .

Additionally, we have a channel on ieee.tv where our videos and live events will be broadcast.
We also feature our signature art event ICRA-X online : http://icrax2020.org. Be sure to take a look ! 

Technical paper presentations:
All technical papers are presented with 5 to 10 minutes videos supplied by authors. Each paper is linked to a slack #channel for  Q&A and interacting with the authors asynchronously; just join and start the discussion, you will be read.

Links to presentation videos and slack #channels will be available through our  online hub (InfoVaya), as well as from the conference proceedings on Papercept. Proceedings are organized following the original conference schedule - please ignore times and locations, every paper will remain available from 31 May to 31 August.

Please do reach out to the authors on Slack for any comment or question - the success of the online conference depends on the quality of the interactions. We give you the tools, and sincerely hope that you will make the best out of them.

Authors will be notified to populate their Presentation pages and bios on InfoVaya Conference Hub. Please take some time before the conference for this task. You can also join your paper's slack #channel, present yourself and drop any additional information to kick start a compelling discussion of your work. You can also announce when you will be available for a live meeting.

ICRA 2020 still offers the Talent Program. Interested to participate to have your CV advertised to the top companies in the field? Last year, ICRA organised interviews between 28 companies (including Apple, Amazon and Google) and talented attendees looking for opportunities in industry. Register for this year's program on https://apply2.org/ieee/apps/icra_careerfair/ and upload your CV in the web application (access code: wticra20%2011251420Paris). 

Additional information on how to make most out of your experience can be found here.

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