AFTES 2021 6th - 8th September 2021 Palais des Congrès

Towards digital construction: BIM and new simulation tools

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
AFTES21, Communication orale
Programme B2 11:00 AM > 12:30 PM Towards digital construction: BIM and new simulation tools Salle Neuilly Programme

11:00 AM INT13 Introduction 11:10 AM 241 MINnD research project’s work for the implementation of BIM in underground works > F. Florent ROBERT (Bron) 11:30 AM 317 Digital geological surveys and high resolution 3D modelling in the Andra’s Bure underground research laboratory (Meuse/Haute Marne). > B. Bertrand CHAZALY (Castries) 11:50 AM 312 3D modelling of the phased construction of the Toulouse underground stations extension project > E. Etienne GARIN (Lausanne) 12:10 PM 345 Monitoring and modeling of the behavior of tunnels excavated in squeezing conditions: The example of Saint-Martin-la-Porte exploration galleries > D. Didier SUBRIN (Bron)

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