AFTES 2021 6th - 8th September 2021 Palais des Congrès

Consolidation of new contractual practices

Wednesday, September 8, 2021
AFTES21, Communication orale
Programme B3 9:00 AM > 10:30 AM Consolidation of new contractual practices Salle Neuilly Programme

9:00 AM INT14 Introduction 9:10 AM 227 CERN HILUMI (High Luminosity) LHC Project at Point 1 : an innovative construction contract > V. Vincent MEYER (Paris) 9:30 AM 235 Line 16 Lot 1 – Risk management application > Y. Yi ZHANG (Saint Denis) 9:50 AM 340 Risk allocation for design and build contract: comparison of Anglo-Saxon and French practices > M. Maud MACARY (Bron) 10:10 AM 356 Risks management, the main component for tunnels design and built > J. Jacques ROBERT (Paris)

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