AFTES 2021 6th - 8th September 2021 Palais des Congrès

Better understanding and modelling of underground

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
AFTES21, Communication orale
Programme B1 9:00 AM > 10:30 AM Better understanding and modelling of underground Salle Neuilly Programme

9:00 AM INT6 Introduction 9:10 AM 318 From SMP2 to SMP4, Application of the Observational Method to optimize the execution of the galleries of St-Martin-la-Porte 4 of the Lyon-Turin Project. > E. Eric MATHIEU (Vélizy Villacoublay) 9:30 AM 256 Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations necessary for the design of underground structures: presentation of the AFTES Recommendation > E. Emmanuel EGAL (Pringy) 9:50 AM 358 Long-term effect models of claystones and design of structures: application to the 4th construction step of Bure laboratory (Andra) > J-F. Jean-François BRUCHON (Paris) 10:10 AM 303 Adaptation of the constructive rules of engineering structure of “Grand Paris Express” in Gypsum dissolution area (line 16) > A. Arnaud CHARMOILLE (Verneuil En Halatte)

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