World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases 2024 12nd - 14th June 2024 Cité internationale universitaire de Paris


Thursday, June 13, 2024
SYMPO3 1:20 PM > 2:05 PM KRYSTAL BIOTECH Symposium Amphitheater Adenauer

Towards a revolution in the management of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa – from palliative care to targeted corrective therapies
1:20 PM INT35 Welcome and Introduction > P. Peter MARINKOVICH 1:25 PM INT36 Current patient journey – from diagnosis to a life-long symptomatic care > C. Christine BODEMER 1:40 PM INT37 A look to the future – new targeted corrective therapies > C. Cristina HAS 1:55 PM INT38 Questions and Discussion > P. Peter MARINKOVICH

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