World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases 2024 12nd - 14th June 2024 Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

Workshop 14 - Patient Education Programs

Thursday, June 13, 2024
WORKSHOP 14 5:10 PM > 6:40 PM Workshop 14 - Patient Education Programs Room Gulbenkian

5:10 PM WS14.3 Education programs for rare diseases patients in Europe, the European perspective of the patient (child-parent, adolescent, adult) and the professional (regional and expert center) in ichthyosis and congenital nevi as showcases > K. Karin VELDMAN, S. Suzanne PASMANS, M. Marjolein VAN KESSEL 5:30 PM WS14.4 Education programs for rare diseases patients in North America > C. Catherine MCCUAIG 5:50 PM WS14.6 Patient education programmes on rare skin diseases: specificities and perspectives > S. Smail HADJ RABIA 6:10 PM WS14.5 Round Table > M-C. Marie-Claude BOITEUX, S. Smail HADJ RABIA

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