World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases 2024 12nd - 14th June 2024 Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

CHIESI Symposium

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
SYMPO1 12:55 PM > 1:40 PM CHIESI Symposium Amphitheater Adenauer

Breaking Bad: Changing the Paradigm for Patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa
12:55 PM INT31 Life with EB: A patient's journey > S. Su LWIN 1:05 PM INT32 A scientific approach to treatment strategy > C. Christen EBENS 1:20 PM INT33 Perspective from a panel > S. Su LWIN, C. Christen EBENS, K. Ken O'REILLY, Y. Younes TELALI

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