World Congress on Rare Skin Diseases 2024 12nd - 14th June 2024 Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

Workshop 1 - Update on skin cancers and aggressive tumors: predisposing factors

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
WORKSHOP 1 11:10 AM > 12:40 PM Workshop 1 - Update on skin cancers and aggressive tumors: predisposing factors Amphitheater Adenauer

Supported by the Fondation Isabelle Decazes-de Noüe (FIDN)
11:10 AM INT3 SCC and EB: where we are? > A. Andrew SOUTH 11:30 AM INT4 Rare melanoma > C. Caroline ROBERT 11:50 AM INT5 Plexiform neurofibroma > L. Laura FERTITTA 12:10 PM WS1 Xeroderma Pigmentosum and cancer > M. Meriem JONES

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