AFRAMED23 28th - 31st January 2024 Beyrouth, Liban

Symposium SPILF & LSIDCM - Antibio-resistance burden in Middle East: How deal with it?

Monday, January 29, 2024
SYMPO3 1:45 PM > 2:45 PM Symposium SPILF & LSIDCM - Antibio-resistance burden in Middle East: How deal with it? Salle N°1

1:45 PM INT14 Antimicrobial resistance & Challenges of stewardship in the Arab region > S. Souha KANJ (Beirut) 2:05 PM INT15 Antibiotic Stewardship : les grands principes > A. Alexandre CHARMILLON (Nancy) 2:25 PM INT16 Antibiotic Stewardship en pratique > A. Alexandre BLEIBTREU
Content : Que fait-on face à la pénurie d’ATB / What is being done about the shortage of ATBs?
Que fait-on face à la défaillance étatique / What do we do about government failure?
Se limiter aux durées, aux initiations / Limiting the duration and initiation of treatment
Quelles ressources infectiologiques Europe vs. Middle East / Infectious diseases resources Europe vs. Middle East
Avec le soutien de l'ANRS-MIE
With the support of ANRS-MIE

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