01. The final paper must be a PDF file, with a maximum of 12 pages and 10MB, following the provided template.
Download the full paper guidelines by clicking on the following button :
02. An executive summary (50-150 words) must be included, formatted in Times New Roman 10.5pt, justified, and enclosed within two horizontal lines.
04. The main text must be in Times New Roman 10.5pt, justified, with single line spacing, and sections numbered sequentially.
05. Page margins are 30 mm (top/bottom) and 25 mm (left/right), with a footer containing the event name and page number.
06. References must be cited numerically in square brackets [1], and formatted according to the provided guidelines or a BibTeX file.
07. Figures must be numbered sequentially, use vector formats where possible, and ensure good contrast for monochrome printing.
08. Tables must be numbered separately from figures, with captions placed above the table.
09. Equations must be numbered sequentially and placed within the text.
10. A short biography (5-10 lines) with a 20x30 mm photo must be included, covering educational background and current activities.