Submission Guidelines
01. Abstracts must be written in clear English.
02. All abstracts must be submitted online. (Attached PDF + online submission) - In addition to the online submission through the abstract form, all submissions must include a long abstract that extends over several pages. This requirement is mandatory for all submissions.
03. Abstract titles should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract.
04. Ensure that your abstract is grammatically correct and free of typographical errors.
05. Please check the presenting author when you type the author information online.
06. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation, it means we have no record of your submission.
If you are sure you made a submission, check the e-mail address that you used to make your submission.
07. The presenting author will be underlined in the program and serve as the contact for further correspondence with authors.
08. After notice of acceptance has been sent, all presenters are also required to register and pay the registration fee in order to be included in the program and to present on site. Registration and payment of registration fee by presenters of accepted abstracts must be completed no later than March 26, 2025.
09. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit a full paper by April 28, 2025.