#CIHA202400580Genetic Memory of Ruins - Integration of the Ruined Architectural Heritage of Kharkiv Region into the Contemporary Cultural Context.

M. Patrimonialisation
Ruines de ruines. Matérialité et immatérialité des ruines dégradées
O. Chagovets 1.
1O.m. Beketov Kharkiv National University Of Urban Economy - Kharkiv (Ukraine)

Adresse email : chagolesya@gmail.com (O.Chagovets)


Sujet en anglais / Topic in english

Sujet de la session en français / Topic in french

Texte de la proposition de communication en français ou en anglais

Keywords: ruined architectural monuments, preservation, the concept of ruins, destruction, communities and memory.

Ruins of architectural monuments are not merely remnants; they also serve as powerful symbols. As living witnesses to bygone eras, they carry significant historical and cultural legacies. However, when these structures are either demolished or restored, several challenges emerge. The destruction of a cultural heritage site results in a loss of historical information since ruins cannot fully convey the original appearance of the monument. Hence, it is imperative to meticulously deliberate the processes of restoration and reconstruction. Nonetheless, it's crucial to avoid merely formal restoration, as this can strip the ruins of their unique symbolic value and their ability to evoke thoughts and emotions. For instance, converting ruins into museum exhibits can sometimes erode their distinct ambiance. We must also contemplate adapting ruins to their natural surroundings, enabling them to harmonise with nature and foster an emotional connection with visitors. This approach can facilitate the unveiling of the "genetic memory" contained within the ruins, fostering a personal bond with their history.

The research introduces ideas and methodologies for examining the ruins of architectural monuments in the Kharkiv region as a valuable resource for preserving cultural heritage and their symbolic role in contemporary society. The Kharkiv region boasts numerous 19th-century architectural monuments that have faced considerable neglect and deterioration over the past thirty years. Due to insufficient funding and attention, these structures have gradually succumbed to degradation, with their future prospects teetering between complete destruction or a continued state of ruins.

This study analyses the current state of ruins in the Kharkiv region and raises questions about the potential transformation of these sites into purposeful destinations with significant cultural value. The report delves into the historical and cultural significance of these sites, emphasising the importance of their preservation and restoration as integral components of the region's heritage. It proposes the concept of utilising these ruins for cultural and recreational tourism, a strategy that could amplify interest in these sites while generating funding sources for their preservation. The key aspects highlighted in the report include collaboration with local communities and engaging the public in the preservation and utilisation of these ruins. The report explores the role of ruins in shaping a symbolic context. Managing ruins involves more than just physical restoration; it also entails the reconstruction of their symbolic meaning. The primary aim of this report is to unveil the "genetic memory" concealed within the ruins, encouraging viewers to form personal connections with these monuments and to personalise their experiences. Critical prerequisites for achieving this objective are the authenticity and uniqueness of these decaying structures, as well as their integration into their natural surroundings.




CV de 500 signes incluant les informations suivantes: Prénom, nom, titre, fonction, institution


PhD doctoral student

School of Architecture

Department of Urban Studies and Planning

O.M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy

The topic of the future thesis is "The directions of preservation in the reproduction of destroyed architectural monuments on the example of the Kharkiv city.
The purpose of the research is to develop theoretical principles and recommendations regarding the reproduction of Kharkiv's architectural heritage.



Résumé / Abstract


This study explores the symbolic significance and preservation challenges of architectural ruins in the Kharkiv region, emphasizing their role not just as historical artefacts but as carriers of cultural legacy and "genetic memory". It highlights the dilemmas faced in the restoration or demolition of these monuments, stressing the importance of maintaining their unique ambiance and emotional resonance. The research advocates for transforming these ruins into purposeful cultural and recreational sites to enhance their value and ensure their preservation. It proposes engaging local communities and utilizing ruins to foster a deeper connection between visitors and the region's heritage. The focus is on integrating ruins with their natural surroundings and preserving their authenticity and uniqueness to facilitate personal bonds with history.